Space Soldier

This early concept was to illustrate a human fit of Kakartanian armor. Colors were explored to get a feel of the style and theme of the Kakartanian Empire.

Blue Nebula Mobile

A promotional ad created for Blue Nebula Studios to show off it's mobile friendly webcomics.

Spark Age Vol.1 Homeworld

Depiction of the Kakartanian Empire's home world Qualdarine. Seen in Spark Age Legacy series. The large ring around the planet is an artificial construct that consists of civilian and military cities. It also contains the majority of the empire's famous Home Fleet.

Spark Age Legacy; Vol.1

This campaign cover of Spark Age Legacy features the hero of the series. The series will follow the young prince Thikiteh in a journey that will change the galaxy forever.

Boston Skyline

Made for a design team dedicated in creating solar power in Boston.

We Are The Home Fleet

This peice features the Home Fleet. The biggest fleet the Kakartanians have. Featured in Spark Age Legacy.

Spark Age Legacy: Page1

This is a page taken right out of the comic book in it's early stage before diologue was entered into the page. Featuring the character Thikiteh, the young prince of the Kakartanian Empire.

Blue Nebula Swag

This t-shirt was available for a limited time for all supportors and sponsors that helped with the Spark Age Legacy campaign.

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