Blue Nebula Studios Blog

Spark Age Issue 2 is now out! Weekly posts every Thursday!

It's finally here! It's been a long road but man was it worth it! Spark Age Issue 2 Is finally out! Weekly posts start today and will continue until the comic book is finished. New pages added every Thursday. We hope you enjoy it! And if you want to keep up with all the new content coming out this year then subscribe to our social media here. And if you have not read the first issue of Spark Age Legacy then we strongly recommend that you start there before reading issue 2. You can read Issue one here

And if you've already read Spark Age Issue 1 then it's time for you to continue the journey. Click here.

We got so much more content to be released as the weeks go bye. We're working hard to make the lore of Spark Age tangible to you! It's going to be epic!! Please like and subscribe to our social media. To stay caught up on these updates.

Save The Date! Feb 16th 2017 Spark Age Issue 2 Arives!

Hey everyone save the date! Spark Age Issue 2 finally has a release date! Feb 16 2017!! It's been a long 2 years but how sweet will it be when it's out! So starting Feb 16th there will be a consistent weekly update every Thursday until the Issue is finished!

Along with this exciting news there's more! We've made some improvements with comic book navigation, and Spark Age Issue 1 has been greatly improved as well. If you haven't read it visit the site and catch up before the release of Spark Age Issue 2 gets here!

We're freaking pumped and you should be too!

Progress update on Spark Age Legacy Series Issue 2.

In the interest of transparency I'm going to be sharing some of the setbacks of Spark Age Legacy Issue 2 has had since the release of Issue 1. But also I'm going to be sharing the progress of Issue 2 and give you an idea of when it'll be released. From breaking my wrist which made drawing impossible, to getting the blue screen of death, and many other setbacks it was safe to say that 2015 and 2016 came with a lot setbacks and challenges. But despite all of that I am pleased to say that Issue 2 is about 85% finished.

There are only 5 pages that need to be digitally painted. And I'm estimating that it'll be finished before the year closes to an end. And then released very early in 2017. Why so long for 5 pages to be finished you ask? It's because at the moment I'm a one man army right now. Blue Nebula is a small group and has always consisted of around 1 to 3 people. That's just business. People come and go. Since I'm rocking the one man army at the moment it limits on how much work I can get done in a day. From managing all social media, managing the site, drawing comics, writing, fixing bugs and errors, and whatever else life throws at me can really add to the time frame. On top of that I'm still keeping all the promises I made back in May 2016 to improve Issue 1 of all it's grammar errors and improve the interface on the website. Which also takes time. And I wanted to release it with Issue 2.

A few changes are going to happen when Issue 2 is released. This time there will be a weekly post to release the comic a few pieces at a time. Instead of just flinging an entire issue out onto the internet. What the schedule will be on weekly posts hasn't been determined yet. But overall everybody I just want this Issue to be at its best. And I'm doing it for you.

I'm coming on to almost 2 years since I released Issue 1 with out releasing anything else other than a few posters. And for that I apologize from the bottom of my heart. And I want to take a moment to thank everybody that has stuck around for this long. You seriously are the best! And for whoever is still reading this I want you to know that Spark Age Legacy 2 WILL come out. It's almost finished. 5 pages, a little editing to the dialogue, and some fixes to the interface and it'll be right there for you to enjoy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For being so patient with me. I'm working late nights to get this to you and I hope you guys enjoy it! I'll keep you all posted on its progress!

We're expanding to new social platforms!

Stay up to date and comment about Blue Nebula on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ , and Instagram! Be Sure to use #bluenebulastudios.

On Facebook and Google+ you'll get consistent updates on all things Blue Nebula Studios. Expect to see: progress updates on comic books, new art and posters. You can also learn about many exciting future announcements!

Following us on Twitter will get you first notification of announcements. As well as engage in relevant conversations around sci-fi art and comics.

Our Instagram page provides an exclusive " Behind the scenes " view on our projects, artwork, and the activities of founder Randy Babe Robinson. Instagram is a must follow, a lot of our artwork here will be exclusive.

Follow us, comment and be sure to share with your friends! This is a new and growing community of comic book fans, artists, art lovers, gamers and their dog. Thanks to everybody for the incredible support that we receive! We have the best fans and love to hear your opinions and suggestions.

Spark Age: Legacy Series Issue 2 is on it's way!

Before we say anything we want to thank everybody who followed us on Twitter! Our twitter page has exploded! We reached our goal of 2000 followers! And as promised a poster from Spark Age: Legacy Series we hope you like it! Thank you all so much for your support! And as an added bonus we're releasing a few details on the new issue.

Thikiteh is back in the new issue of Spark Age: Legacy series! The young prince with all the potential in the galaxy. When we last left him he was on his way to his first mission. To follow a lead that may possibly shed some light the true origins of the Kakartanian empire and a little on the mystery of the Sparks. An ancient race that lived long ago but died out in massive war that the Galaxy knows very little about. This war is commonly known as, The Spark Age.

With the help of an elite squad of Komodo units, Thikiteh will embark on a mission that could very well change the Galaxy forever. The appearance of the first human for who knows how long. Previously thought to be an extinct race that died in the Spark Age, this human will prove to be more mysterious and have a few unexpected surprises up her sleeve. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Will Thikiteh be able to rise up to the challenge? Or will the mystery of the Sparks be too much for this young prince to handle? There will be only one way to find out.

Spark Age: Legacy Series Issue 2 is on it's way!

Happy to announce that Spark Age Legacy series is now in the works! So we're going to release this teaser poster to get us all excited! No release date yet but we'll keep you posted.

Upon its release we're also doing a couple of updates as well. So here's a list of changes that will be made. We picked the ones you all pointed out and asked for the most, so here goes! If you like the comic books please like and share on Facebook , Twitter, and Google+. And though these comic books are free please leave a donation to help us improve the quality of our comic books and website. Thank you all for your support!

  • 3 pages will be added to Spark Age: Legacy series issue 1 as an introduction.

  • Grammar errors will be corrected.

  • Better interface for changing comic book pages.

  • A few minor bug fixes on the website.

" Houston Legacy has landed!"

Ladies and gents this is the moment we have waited for! Spark Age Legacy Series is finally here for you! We're starting the year off right with this all new web comic! You can now join the story of Thikiteh Kaletaris as he begins his legacy for greatness. The all new epic has begun! Like and share with your friends on Facebook , Twitter, and Google+!! Thank you everybody for all you support and feedback! You can view the comic here!

With the launch of Spark Age Legacy Series we are now ready to continue the the new legacy. This is only the first of a series of comics. We will continue to keep you updated on all our new updates because we have a lot more on it's way! Until then please enjoy Spark Age Legacy series issue 1! Thank you everybody for your support.

Thanks to all of you who have shown your support! You're all awesome! Be sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter, and Google+! Thanks again everybody!

" We are the home fleet! "

We're so excited to say that our journey to finish the first issue of Spark Age Vol.1 Issue 1 is almost complete! So we wanted to express our excitement with this Spark Age poster featuring the Home Fleet from the comic book. The Spark Age Legacy Series will be one installment of many series to complete a grand tale that you and your friends will enjoy. More details of this plan will come in the future because there's a lot more we want you to know on the subject.

We know this is taking a long time and there are some of you that have expressed this. And we see and hear every one of your emails and posts. We just want to make sure that this comic book is done right. We're a small team, with big ideas and we are driven. Our projections show that we should have something to show by the year's end. There are no precise release dates right now but we will let you know when that happens! We hope you're all as excited as we are and enjoy this story that has been created for all to enjoy.

Thanks to all of you who have shown your support! You're all awesome! Be sure to follow us on Facebook , Twitter, and Google+! Thanks again everybody!

" Black And White

Holy cow I thought this day would never come! But here it is! Greatest update to date, so here goes! We have a fully completed black and white version of Spark Age Vol.1! Do you feel that? That's the feeling of how awesome your life is going to be in the near future!

Though there are a few more steps to take, we're happy to let you know that we crossed a big mile stone today! We may be small for now but we think big! Thank you everybody for your continued support and don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

New Update!

Well we're excited to say that out project is taking shape! Thanks to the support from every one of you we've been able to continue the project, and it's safe to say that we're moving forward at a strong pace. It's been a long journey because we want to make sure that we do this story justice.

Above is a picture of @BabeRobinson working on some color layers for Spark Age vol.1. That or he's working hard on his gamer score... you decide.

Also a shout out to Cymera for producing this image!

Kickstarter Campaign

Starting on September 15 2013 Blue Nebula Studios is now up working on the first volume of our new project! This will be a thrilling action packed story that will take you on a journey through a massive galaxy full of new worlds full of life. You will see new civilizations great and small, good and evil. But what they all don't know is what looms just out of their view and shrouded with mystery that will change the face of the galaxy. Be a part of the thrilling story where heroes are born, fates changed, and destinies bound by following us on Facebook and Twitter. If you really want to get involved check out our blog and see how you can get involved and hook yourself up with some sweet swag! We're giving away t-shirts, digital copies of Vol.1, opportunities to meet the people behind it all, and more!

What are we up to?

Right now we're working on creating the first season of a new series of comic books that can be viewed online, at anytime, with no cost. How cool is that? All we want is for the word to be spread around about what is happening here, only at Blue Nebula Studios. Updates will come as we have more to share. Be ready.

Blue Nebula Launch Day!

We're happy to announce the grand opening of the company! We're excited to begin our projects that have literally dedicated years of thought and effort into this. Later we'll be updating you all on how to get involved with the development of our most prized projects. We're aiming big here and we have high expectations for the quality of our work! So from the founder Randy B Robinson " Welcome to Blue Nebula Studios, I hope you're here to stay!"